Английский язык для студентов экономических факультетов

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Английский язык для студентов экономических факультетов

Автор: Воронцова И.И. Ильина А.К. Момджи Ю.В.

Год: 1999

The economy comprises millions of people and thousands of firms as well as the government and local authorities, all taking decisions about prices and wages, what to buy, sell, produce, export, import and many other matters. All these organizations and the decisions they take play a prominent part in shap-ing the business environment in which firms exist and operate.

The economy is complicated and difficult to control and predict, but it is certainly important to all businesses. You should be aware that there are times when businesses and individuals have plenty of funds to spend and there are times when they have to cut back on their spending. This can have enormous implications for business as a whole.

The economy comprises millions of people and thousands of firms as well as the government and local authorities, all taking decisions about prices and wages, what to buy, sell, produce, export, import and many other matters. All these organizations and the decisions they take play a prominent part in shap-ing the business environment in which firms exist and operate.

The economy is complicated and difficult to control and predict, but it is certainly important to all businesses. You should be aware that there are times when businesses and individuals have plenty of funds to spend and there are times when they have to cut back on their spending. This can have enormous implications for business as a whole.

Кол-во страниц:127 Язык:Английский Издательство:ПРИОР

The economic environment (экономическая среда). 1
Measuring economic activity (измерение экономической активности). 5
Three economic issues (три вопроса экономики). 9
Income (доход). 16
The role of government (роль правительства). 19
The production possibility frontier (границы возможностей производства). 24
Economic systems (экономические системы). 27
Markets (рынки). 37
Positive and normative economics (позитивная и нормативная экономические теории). 42
Microeconomics and macroeconomics (теория микроэкономики и макроэкономики). 47
Рriсе and demand (цена и спрос). 52
Price, income and demand (цена, доход и спрос). 57
Elastic and inelastic demand (эластичный и неэластичный спрос). 59
A model of the economy (модель экономики). 64
Injections (вливание денег в экономику). 69
Withdrawals (изъятия денег из кругооборота). 74
Inflation (инфляция). 78
The impact of inflation on business (влияние инфляции на бизнес). 81
Can inflation be beneficial (может ли инфляция быть благотворной)? 84
Money and banking (деньги и банковское дело). 87
The role of banks (роль банков). 92
Modern banking (современная банковская система). 97
Money and the return it earns (деньги и доход, который они приносят). 103
Interest rates and bond prices (ставка процента и цены на облигации). 106
The money supply and the demand for money (предложение и спрос на деньги). 108
The money market (рынок денег). 112
Markets and interest rates (рынки и норма процента). 115
Primary and secondary markets (первичный и вторичный рынки). 118
Monetary policy (кредитно-денежная политика). 120