Preface. xv
Part I. Principles of Animal Virology
Chapter 1 Structure and Composition of Viruses
Viral Morphology 4 Chemical Composition of Virions. 10
Preservation of Viral Infectivity. 14
Further Reading. 15
Chapter 2 Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses
Criteria for Viral Classification. 16
Nomenclature. 17
Families of DNA Viruses. 17
Families of RNA Viruses. 22
Other Viruses. 27
Groupings Based on Epidemiologic/Pathogenic Criteria. 28
Further Reading. 29
Chapter 3 Viral Replication
The Viral Replication Cycle. 31
Attachment. 33
Uptake (Penetration). 35
Uncoating. 36
Strategies of Replication. 36
Transcription. 41
Translation. 45
Replication of Viral Nucleic Acid. 48
Assembly and Release. 49
Further Reading. 52
Chapter 4 Viral Genetics and Evolution
Mutation. 54
Genetic Recombination between Viruses. 59
Interactions between Viral Gene Products. 61
Mapping Viral Genomes. 62
Recombinant DMA Technology. 64
Evolution of Viruses. 66
Further Reading. 72
Chapter 5 Virus-Induced Changes in Cells
Types of Virus-Cell Interactions. 74
Cytopathic Effects of Virus Infections. 76
Mechanisms of Cell Damage. 80
Noncytocidal Infections. 81
Interferons. 82
Further Reading. 86
Chapter 6 Mechanisms of Infection and Spread of Viruses through the Body
Routes of Entry. 87
Mechanisms of Spread in the Body. 92
Virus Shedding. 100
Further Reading. 102
Chapter 7 Determinants of Viral Virulence and Host Resistance
Viral Virulence and Host Resistance. 104
Genetic Determinants of Viral Virulence. 105
Genetic Determinants of Host Resistance. 111
Physiologic Factors Affecting Resistance. 114
Further Reading. 118
Chapter 8 Immune Response to Viral Infections
Components of the Immune System. 120
Immune Responses to Viral Infection. 129
Recovery from Viral Infection. 131
Immunity to Reinfection. 133
Passive Immunity. 134
Further Reading. 135
Chapter 9 Mechanisms of Disease Production
Viral Damage to Tissues and Organs. 136
Immunopathology. 140
Immunosuppression. 144
Viral Infections in Immunocompromised Patients. 145
Further Reading. 146
Chapter 10 Persistent Infections
Categories of Persistent Infections. 148
Acute Infections with Rare Late Complications. 149
Latent Infections. 150
Chronic Infections. 156
Slow Infections. 158
Pathogenesis of Persistent Infections. 164
Further Reading. 169
Chapter 11 Mechanisms of Viral Oncogenesis
Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes. 171
Cell Transformation. 172
Tumor Induction by Retroviruses. 174
Human T Cell Leukemia Viruses. 181
Tumor Induction by DNA Viruses. 182
Papillomaviruses. 184
Hepadnaviruses. 184
Herpesviruses. 186
Multistep Oncogenesis. 188
Further Reading. 189
Chapter 12 Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Diseases
Rational Use of the Laboratory. 191
Collection, Packaging, and Transport of Specimens. 193
Direct Identification of Virus, Viral Antigen, or Viral Genome. 195
Virus Isolation. 205
Measurement of Serum Antibodies. 210
Laboratory Safety. 216
Further Reading. 217
Chapter 13 Immunization against Viral Diseases
Live-Virus Vaccines. 219
Inactivated Virus and Virus Subunit Vaccines. 223
Synthetic Vaccines. 225
DNA Vaccines. 226
Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies. 226
Methods for Enhancing Immunogenicity. 226
Comparison of Different Classes of Vaccines. 227
Further Reading. 231
Chapter 14 Epidemiology of Viral Infections
Computations and Data Used by Epidemiologists. 233
Types of Epidemiologic Investigations. 238
Virus Transmission. 242
Mechanisms of Survival of Viruses in Nature. 244
Further Reading. 255
Chapter 15 Prevention, Control, and Eradication of Viral Diseases
Quarantine. 256
Hygiene and Sanitation. 257
Vector Control. 258
Change of Lifestyle. 259
Immunization. 259
Eradication. 263
Further Reading. 265
Chapter 16 Chemotherapy of Viral Diseases
Strategy for Development of Antiviral Agents. 267
Clinical Application. 269
Interferons. 271
Inhibitors of Viral DNA Polymerase. 272
Inhibitors of Reverse Transcriptase. 276
Ion Channel Blockers. 277
Blocking Attachment or Uncoatrng of Virion. 278
Inhibitors of Viral Proteases. 279
Virus-Specific Oligonucleotides. 279
Inhibitors of Regulatory Proteins. 280
Further Reading. 280
Part II Viruses of Humans
Chapter 17 Parvovirtdac
Properties of Pnrvoviridae. 285
Parvovirus B19. 288
Enteric Parvoviruses. 292
Dependnviruses. 292
Further Reading. 293
Chapter 18 Papovaviridae
Properties of Papominridae. 294
Papillomaviruses. 294
Polyomaviruses. 302
Further Reading. 304
Chapter 19 Adenoviridae
Properties of Adenoviridae. 306
Pathogenesis and Immunity. 309
Clinical Syndromes. 310
Laboratory Diagnosis. 312
Epidemiology. 314
Control. 314
Further Reading. 315
Chapter 20 Herpesviridae
Properties of Herpesviridae. 318
Herpes Simplex Viruses. 323
Varicella-Zoster Virus. 330
Cytomegalovirus. 334
Human Herpesvirus 6. 341
Epstein-Barr Virus. 343
Herpes В Virus. 346
Further Reading. 346
Chapter 21 Poxviridae
Properties of Poxviridae. 348
Pathogenesis and Immunity. 352
Laboratory Diagnosis. 352
Human Infections with Orthopoxviruses. 353
Human Infections with Para poxviruses. 356
Molluscum Contagiosum. 356
Yabapox and Tanapox. 357
Further Reading. 357
Chapter 22 Hepadnaviridae and Dettavirus
Properties of Hepadmviridac. 359
Clinical Features of Flepatitis В. 362
Pathogenesis and Immunity. 364
Laboratory Diagnosis. 366
Epidemiology. 369
Control. 369
Dettavirus (Hepatitis D). 373
Further Reading. 379
Chapter 23 Picornaviridae
Properties of Picornaviridae. 382
Polio viruses. 385
Other Enteroviruses. 391
Rhinoviruses. 398
Hepatitis A. 400
Further Reading. 405
Chapter 24 Calicwiridae and Astroviridae
Caliciviruses Associated with Gastroenteritis Hepatitis E. 411
Astroviruses. 415
Further Reading. 417
Chapter 25 Togaviridae
Properties of Togaviridae. 418
Pathogenesis. 421
Clinical Syndromes. 421
Laboratory Diagnosis. 423
Epidemiology. 424
Control. 426
Rubella. 427
Further Reading. 432
Chapter 26 Flaviviridae
Properties of Flaviviridae. 434
Pathogenesis and Clinical Features. 436
Laboratory Diagnosis. 437
Epidemiology and Control. 438
Yellow Fever. 438
Dengue. 441
Flavivirus Encephalitides. 443
Tick-Borne Flavivirus Hemorrhagic Fevers Hepatitis С. 445
Further Reading. 449
Chapter 27 Coronaviridae
Properties of Coronaviridae. 451
Pathogenesis and Immunity. 454
Clinical Features. 454
Laboratory Diagnosis. 454
Epidemiology. 455
Further Reading. 455
Chapter 28 Paramyxoviridae
Properties of Paramyxoviridae. 456
Measles. 461
Mumps. 465
Parainfluenza Viruses. 467
Respiratory Syncytial Virus. 469
Further Reading. 474
Chapter 29 Rhabdoviridae
Properties of Rhabdoviridae. 475
Rabies. 478
Vesicular Stomatitis. 482
Further Reading. 482
Chapter 30 Filoviridae
Properties of Filoviridae. 485
Pathogenesis. 486
Clinical Features. 486
Laboratory Diagnosis. 487
Epidemiology. 487
Chapter 31 Qrthomyxoviridae
Properties of Orthotnyxovirtdae Pathogenesis and Immunity Clinical Features of Influenza Laboratory Diagnosis. 494
Epidemiology. 495
Control. 496
Further Reading. 499
Chapter 32 Arenaviridae
Properties of Arenaviridae. 500
Laboratory Diagnosis. 503
Epidemiology. 504
Diseases Caused by Arenaviruses. 504
Prevention and Treatment. 507
Further Reading. 508
Chapter 33 Bunyaviridae
Properties of Вunyaviridae. 509
Pathogenesis. 513
Laboratory Diagnosis. 513
Rift Valley Fever. 513
Sandfly Fever. 515
California Encephalitis. 515
Oropouche Fever. 516
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever. 517
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome. 518
Further Reading. 520
Chapter 34 Reoviridae
Properties of Reoviridae. 522
Rotaviruses. 524
Coltiviruses and Orbiviruses. 528
Orthoreovi ruses. 529
Further Reading. 530
Chapter 35 Rctroviridae
Properties of Retroviridae. 532
Human T-Cell Leukemia (Lymphotropic) Viruses. 535
Human Spumaviruses. 561
Further Reading. 561
Chapter 36 Viral Syndromes
Viral Diseases of the Respiratory Tract. 564
Viral Gastroenteritis. 569
Viral Diseases of the Central Nervous System. 571
Viral Skin Rashes. 576
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers. 579
Viral Genitourinary Infections. 580
Viral Diseases of the Eye. 581
Viral Arthritis. 583
Viral Carditis. 583
Viral Hepatitis. 584
Viral Pancreatitis and Diabetes. 586
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 586
Congenital and Perinatal Viral Infections. 586
Viral Infections in Immunocompromised Patients. 588
Further Reading. 589
Index. 591